Friday, January 30, 2015

I Will Never Forget

      Something from my teen years that I will never forget are the people and the memories. I have met alot of people that have let me experience alot of new things that I would of never done without them. There is also alot of people that are important to me I can never forget and alot of things they have done for me. I think adults forget this because their lives become too busy to think of the people or things they did in High School. With kids and work and there is no down time to think of their past because they have families that create new memories and soon replace the old ones. Also in the even that they have to move the ties they have with people can be cut and they soon forget about one another.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Winter Break Let Down

  During winter break I did a lot of things that I wanted to do and had a great time. But one thing that I was really excited to do was going to New York. We had planned to go for New Years just to see the city, watch the ball drop, and do other things to occupy the four day trip. The day we were about to leave my dad took the car to the shop to see why we had this loud rattling sound. The mechanic told him it was because the guy that hit the truck when we were at the DMV shook something loose. He also told us that if we try to make the trip to New York the truck would break. Everyone was really let down and it ruined the rest of our break with nothing to do but we decided to spend the money on something else that we have to decide to do. But all in all it was a great break and I wish it would have lasted longer.