Thursday, October 30, 2014

Comforting things to me...

Things that comfort me are:

  • Being alone in my room
  • Talking about my problems
  • A long hot shower
  • Hard workouts
  • Doing something to keep my mind off of things
  • Listen to music
Being alone in my room comforts me because its my own time and my own space to think about things. Being able to think about things help me deal with a situation better and be more comfortable about the problem. Being able to take a step back and think about something from different perspective helps you learn for the next problem that can come along.

Talking about my problems comforts me because I can hear someone else's views on the problem and their opinion. This helps me because sometime I over react about something or think to much about it and to hear someone else tell me that I'm think too much about it helps me know its not an actual problem. This takes problems away from me so I don't have to worry so much.

A long hot shower comforts me because its nice at the end of the day to take a hot shower that takes the stress and tension away. To be released from the stress and tension is great because it gives a relaxing feeling. Also with a long shower you can think about all your problems and take yourself away from the world for a moment.

Hard workout  comforts me because it relieves so much stress and gives you a great strong feeling afterwards. Having this strong feeling makes you feel ready for any problem that comes at you. Having that motivation and feeling makes me solve things in the best way.

Doing something to keep my mind off of things comforts me because I'm doing something else to occupies my time and not think about anything. This way I'm happy doing something i enjoy and have no worries about life or problems.

Listening to music comforts me because it takes me away from the world and puts me in mine. Being in my own world with my music is great because there no one can bother me or interrupt me. This way i can avoid things and just enjoy my self like i want to.

Monday, October 27, 2014

My Name Poem

I didn't like my name at first
It made me feel like an outcast like a curse
No one knew how to say it right.
When I explained it it was a big fight
No one understood the apostrophe
Just why couldn't they see
It made the e say a
That's how I pronounce it everyday

But now I see
How my name is really meant to be
It's not meant to be like a curse
It's meant to put me first

It tells me im passionate
Even says I'm compassionate
May seem like lies to you
But oh boo how
I have a magnetic personality
Can't you see this is reality
My name isn't like the rest
It's actually the best
It makes me alone in a crowd
But with this name I'm proud

I'm a humatarian I do things for humanity makes me a hero
My zodiac is a Leo

Friday, October 10, 2014

2000 Years Ago

      If I lived 2000 years ago I think the best animal to have would be a dozen chickens. I think this because they provide food such as eggs and in a worst scenario I can eat some of them. Also they would reproduce so the amount I have would grow giving me more eggs and more to eat if need be. Also if I ever get into a tight situation I can easily just sell them for a good price and maybe if I have enough sell them in exchange for more live stock. So in my opinion it's better to have a dozen chickens than one cow or a horse. Because a horse is used for nothing but to make traveling fast and cows just provide milk. Like common you can just walk and who wants some milk from one cow when you can get eggs from a dozen chickens. Plus like I said before you can sell some for a cow or horse. A dozen chickens is better livestock.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Chosen Piñata

      I was so excited they picked me out of all the others I was chosen. They seemed so excited to have me they even fed me well when I got to their house. It was all candy but I was stuffed so much I couldn't move. I all I could think about was how nice these people were to welcome me into their home and feed me so well. Then more people excited to see me came rushing in. They were so happy to have me that they hung me up in the middle of the house. But then I must of done something wrong to these people because they sound bats at me until I couldn't take it anymore and the delicious food they gave me poured out and they savaged among it. The nice people that had fed me were gone replaced by these beasts. Now I lay here in the trash no one excited to see me, no one hanging me up like a trophie I lay here alone wondering what I did to cause their inexplicable behavior.